Fri @ work
Couldn't surf my blog in company as was marked as an block list of webbie in company network but somehow still can update a bit as still okie. MSN and online web messnger/program's all been blocked for the purpose of productivity. Just feel like updating a bit as I have lots of things in my heart. Before that I wanna show u all some pic first. Densification of sand.

This is called vibroflotation method that is used to densify the sand layer below the ground level. Taken at a site at Tuas. I went to the library during my lunch period and I walk arh walk, end up at self improvement section. Pick up a book, stress management and read thru. Look thru some of the pages and find do the questionaire, result was medium stressful. I guess I m not that stressful as I have initially thought I were.
I do have some frenz around me when I m feeling down and stressful and my mum n brother alway provide a listening ear. But what abt her? She does not have close frenz and only can confided in parents. I guess in this case, I m more xinfu than her. She got problem also can't share with much people while I can share with a number of you. I really admire her in her ability to handle things herself. I have alway have some directions in life, that is to be successful in life and have a gd family that can support me. I have alway wanted to settle down a bit earlier and form a family but I never know that I can be so rushing when it come to this matter in the relationship. This has indeed caused her lots of stress as she wanted a carefree relationship and not considering marriage at such an early stage. For this case, I am really sorry for causing her so much stress. I do understand that planning for marriage cannot be done in such an early stage in a relationship as what we wanted might not turned out the way that we wish for.
Lots of things happen within the last few weeks and when I look and think back, it's really quite frightening that lots of things that shouldnt have happen have happen. I regret all my actions and the ways of dealing and handling with the situations. I wish that times can be turned back so I can handle or try to prevent these things from happening. However, it's not possible and now I can only look forward. I just hope that time can heal the wounds inflicted and I really hope she can be well and be happy. I know that this is the only way she can c wat I wanna say. I do hope that all of you can have a great weekend.
This is called vibroflotation method that is used to densify the sand layer below the ground level. Taken at a site at Tuas. I went to the library during my lunch period and I walk arh walk, end up at self improvement section. Pick up a book, stress management and read thru. Look thru some of the pages and find do the questionaire, result was medium stressful. I guess I m not that stressful as I have initially thought I were.
I do have some frenz around me when I m feeling down and stressful and my mum n brother alway provide a listening ear. But what abt her? She does not have close frenz and only can confided in parents. I guess in this case, I m more xinfu than her. She got problem also can't share with much people while I can share with a number of you. I really admire her in her ability to handle things herself. I have alway have some directions in life, that is to be successful in life and have a gd family that can support me. I have alway wanted to settle down a bit earlier and form a family but I never know that I can be so rushing when it come to this matter in the relationship. This has indeed caused her lots of stress as she wanted a carefree relationship and not considering marriage at such an early stage. For this case, I am really sorry for causing her so much stress. I do understand that planning for marriage cannot be done in such an early stage in a relationship as what we wanted might not turned out the way that we wish for.
Lots of things happen within the last few weeks and when I look and think back, it's really quite frightening that lots of things that shouldnt have happen have happen. I regret all my actions and the ways of dealing and handling with the situations. I wish that times can be turned back so I can handle or try to prevent these things from happening. However, it's not possible and now I can only look forward. I just hope that time can heal the wounds inflicted and I really hope she can be well and be happy. I know that this is the only way she can c wat I wanna say. I do hope that all of you can have a great weekend.
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