Labour Day is coming
Back from KTV today with Juan, Hsien and Lock. Enjoy it very much especially after a mth plus of absent from KTV. Well, the feeling is great but now going to have sore throat soon. Perhap I have sang too much. Haha... Tomorrow go back work le and it's a day of rest again for me the day after. It's labour day and it's great. hehe. Those people whose bday is on May 1 alway have holiday every year. Lucky lucky... Not been out for these few weekends as I m waiting for my mum to have her operation. Initially its 3 weeks ago but due to some underforseen circumstances, it's postpone. She undergo the operation yesterday and now okie le. Glad that it's over. This coming weekend I can start planning for some more activity. Now still awaiting confirmation from frenz. See how first. 5 more weeks to end my attachment at Pan United. Of course, I m happy with it and looking forward to it. Been doing my final report for past 2 days and there's still some way to go. Hope to get it done and over soon as I will be handing it in in 3 weeks time. After KTV, I was with Juan and Lock having a conversation at Mos burger just now. Had some conversation of view in opposite sex and what r the things that attract each other. Well, I sort of feel that if you love a person, no matterwhat bad point and the how serious the bad point he or she has, u will be able to accept it. When asked about why a guy treat frenz better as compared to galfrenz. My answer was "I supposed that maybe the love for the galfrenz has faded" If this is case, remedy action have to be taken quickly. Ask about whether I have thought of being a bachelor this life. Those who know me will know my answer will be No.. We discuss quite a number of issue and its fun. Hope to have another session some day. Hehe..
歌曲:候鸟 歌手: s.h.e 专辑:encore 词 方文山曲 周杰伦 出海口已经不远我丢着空瓶许愿 海与天连成一线在沙洲对你埋怨 芦苇花白茫一片爱过你短暂停留的容颜 南方的冬天 我的心却无法事过境迁 你觅食爱情的那一张脸过 境说的永远随着涨潮不见 变成我记忆里的明信片 你的爱飞很远像候鸟看不见 在湿地的水面那伤心乱成一片 你的爱飞很远像候鸟季节变迁 我含泪面向着北边 你的爱飞很远像候鸟看不见 我站在河岸边被树丛隔离想念 你的爱飞很远像候鸟季节变迁 你往北向南说再见
Will be going back to sch to study straight after my attachment. This time I will be taking a module called " Electricity For Modern Society". I only choose 1 module and I m lucky to get it. Of course I do have back up plan in case I m not able to get it but now my backup plan need not to be carry out. This has been a really tiring week for me. The new project manager charlie has given me load of works and I am almost drown by all the work load. Luckily, Siti, the princess is there to help me. Thank you very much. Hehe.. Got a chance to catch up with Juan and Pay during Tue nite. Know that it's a very tough period for ya Pay. Hang on and u have all our support. Wed went to woodlands stadium for a jog with Juan and then we chatted till quite late. Spent Fri nite out supper with my buddies Yu Zheng, Shaoqi and Wei Jie. Went for a game of pool and when I reached home, it's 2 am already. And for this weekend, didnt go out. Just go and grab some durian yesterday home. Hehe... Durian period. Saying about durian, I had a fruit feast at office on Friday. Was great though. Life is getting tougher at work nowadays as Charlie keep wanting to interfere in us, the IA students instead of keeping eyes on his subordinate, all the engineers. He is afraid to say them. As we are the lowest rank there, he turned his attention to us and alway had his eyes on us on things that we do. Nevermind, 7 more weeks and I m out of there. Sometimes I really pity him. Gd luck to him.. Ya, my poly mate Kevin is getting marry soon and congrats to you and u have all our blessings. Next thur will be our site supervisor Chee Keong last day at Pan United. All the best to your future and thank you for taking care of our welfare during our attachment at Pan United. A big thank you to u. For those whose bday is next week. Happy birthday to ya.. hehe.. Have a fulfilling day..
Looking Forward To A Brand New Week
At home this weekend. Didnt plan to go out and needed a well deserved rest as I already had great weekdays. Eh, mum's operation was postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. Been pondering on some stuffs. I think that it's the best time to think and try to sort them while I m free. Week 15 for my attachment already and it's fast coming to a end and I m really looking forward to the end of it as I think I had done what I wanted to do and challenge is not there anymore. I m looking forward to more challenges if there are any. Will be waiting for the result of the intersem that is schedule to be release this coming week. Ben and Jerry also giving away free ice cream this coming week. Thinking of going to eat but have to see cos working that day mah. Think will be a long queue also. Looking forward to clear some of the vouchers I had next 2 weeks.... Wait for my call...
Thank You Everyone
Specially for all of u out here. I would like to say a very big "Thank you". Thank you for making my bday this year a memorable one for me. Thanks Jin for treating me to a meal on the eve of my bday. I would also like to thank my "jie meis" of sec sch, Juan, Hsien, Pay and Ling for the adidas watch that you all have given me. I like it very much. Really. Not forgetting all of you who send me sms to wish me a happy bday. There were about 20 plus of you and a couple of you send me bday message through email, friendster and of course through here. Thank you very much. At this very moment, this is what I m feeling right now. Touched. I hope that we will be able to cherish each other more. Not matter whose bday is it, no matter what ages we r, we will alway be there for each other giving each other supports and encouragements......
歌手:刘德华 专辑:真永远 绝不放弃 词 姚若龙 曲 陈子鸿 听不清喝彩声音 只有你的泪像海浪迥荡在我心里 看身边茫茫人群究竟谁对我还有意义 一直不能忘记我的勇气曾失落在这里 如今我找回自己 却又失去最深爱的你在风中远离 我绝不放弃永远爱你时间空间挡不住不灭的情意 你值得我用一生追寻 我绝不放弃永远爱你现实命运推不动思念的坚定 你是我最依赖的抚慰我绝不放弃 一直不能忘记我的勇气曾失落在这里 如今我找回自己却又失去最深爱的你在风中远离 我绝不放弃永远爱你时间空间挡不住不灭的情意 你值得我用一生追寻 我绝不放弃永远爱你现实命运推不动思念的坚定 你是我最依赖的抚慰我绝不放弃 我绝不放弃永远爱你现实命运推不动思念的坚定 你是我最依赖的抚慰我绝不放弃我绝不放弃我绝不放弃
Great Win For West Ham and a pretty cool weekend
Well, I was watching West Ham match earlier on at home. Heart pounding all the way. 90 mins of football and my adrenaline never stopped rushing except during the half time break and when the final whistle blew. Every time Arsenal player pump the ball into the West Ham box, I will get nervous, nervous that a goal will roll in somehow. Haha.. Guess I m too crazy as a fan. Well, if u watch epl, u will know what I m saying and how I feel. Bobby Zamora, my favourite player scored again. I know he will make his name and day. And now he is getting the headline. K, enough of West Ham le, today took my IPPt at Khatib camp with Shaoqi, although didnt passed all stations. It's encouraging enough as I managed to complete the whole course. Last year was a nite mare as I limped off the place after shuttle run. I will go again during June with Shaoqi to improve my attempt. I m sure I can do better than that. After the test, went to Chong Pang eat with Shaoqi then proceed home. Go home jiu drop on the bed and concuss le. Then kanna fever. Wah, really hot over. Now okie le. Just slept for the whole day. And Fri morn, I went to pray and 'sweep tomb' at Lim Chu Kang with my dad and mum. Was really hot on Fri afternoon, Dad and Mum were saying so hot... K la, at least my dad brought us some 100 plus to drink. Nothing happening particular for me this week. Didnt really meet up with anyone except with IA frenz, working place engineer at work. Now so fast sun le, guess most probably I will spent it at home too. Nuan at home.Recently also very tired and sleepy, must catch up with lots of sleep to replenish myself. Hope you enjoy your sun too. Have a great weekend...  This is a pic of my favourite West Ham pic Bobby Zamora. Cool isn't it.. Hehe.. Picture taken from BBC Sports Football
Week 13 of IA and 9 more weeks to end
More than half of my IA have passed and its been so great that I have learnt a couple of stuffs. Measure roads, project coordination, sourcing for equipments and items have been my scope of work for the past 12 weeks. Now I m thinking of what to include in my final report to tutor that is scheduled to arrive in week 20. Got $20 bday vouchers from party world and sakae and I m still thinking of using them. Who free to join me for a dinner at sakae sushi lehz? If u r available on any day and craving for jap food, can sms me I will reserve for u. First come first serve wor.. Hehe.. As for ktv, who will be free for this mth lehz cos the voucher expired at the end of this mth. Planning to ask few of u come out sing. Come on my ktv buddies, who's free? Most likely we will sing sing and sing on a sat.. This 2 will be my upcoming event. Planning for another ubin trip, wanna schedule it on the following sat. Initially wanted to do it next sat but can't, my mum need to go for an operation. So I need to accompany her. I hope all to be well for her... Praying hard. Now EPl Fri midnite start le, can watch it liaoz. This Fri I think got 2 matches during the midnite and West Ham match on sat.. Rem to watch k.. Support the hammers against the gunners k... Gd Fri this week and weekday is cut short by 1 day. Feeling great isn't it. I m looking forward to it. U 2 must enjoy the long wkend k. Tata.. Ciaoz...