Part Time Work And Intersem at the same time
For this coming few weeks and the last 2 weeks, my routine will be what I have mention in the title. Yes, working part time at where? At Pan United Asphalt. Ya, can't believe that I m back to my IA company. Haha.. Now mah also studying the electricity module. Done with a test already after 2 lesson. Fast right.. hehe.. 1 more coming up in 2 weeks time. 1,4 study and 2,3,5 work. At nite will be mostly reserved to go home rest or go out with frenz. Meet up with some of u already and some more to go b4 I go back sch. Basically now a driver, driving LTA officer around go do measurement. Engineers getting more and more frustrated nowadays, perhap having heavy work load? And engineer also getting bo chap when I ask to help on something.. Why lehz? Perhap, loss of mood to work and going to quit le arh??? Well, I know various reasons lead to this behaviour and I understand what it is going on. If only everyone can work together to build a gd working environment, it will be perfect but this ideal condition won't happen frequently and its rare. Everyone is looking forward to work in this kind of places. Enough of this, if people can reflect on their way of working, treating people with respect around them, it would be perfect. Not asking much from the people, just some improvement will do.. It will make everyone a lot of happier. Kindly reflect if u think u belong to this category of people I m mentioning..
Pictures Taken At Jusco
 Jusco Shopping Centre  Kinsahi Japanese restaurant  Spider Ramen offered by the Jap Restaurant Lunch At Secret Recipe Cakes and Coffee "Stewed Lambchop" Their Signature Dish It Comes With A Bread "Cheesy Breaded Chicken" Look at the traffic light there.
Back From JB
Just came back home from causeway pt after accompany Shaoqi to wait for his bus 961. Yes, today we went to JB for shopping. There were 4 of us, Siti and her boy, Shaoqi and me. We met up at causeway pt at 10.30am. No one was late and we proceeded on to take bus 950 in. Then mah, once we reached JB custom, we walked around trying to look for a cheap cab..
haha, in the end of course never get la, kanna chop RM 17 for 4 of us. Haha.. Okie la, we went to jusco initially we do not know where to head for and we strolled around. In the end, Shaoqi and me grab a 'Macau Egg Tart" each and we headed to secret recipe for our lunch. I ordered the most expensive dish, their signature lamb dish. Haha.. Not as nice lehz. Taste like my mum cook de Pig trotter. In fact my mum cook de very nice lehz... Shaoqi and Siti ordered the breaded chicken with cheese inside.. And of course Siti's boy rudy just ate a slice of taste like vanilla cake. Haha... More pics to follow ya..
Then we went around grabbing what we wanted. I got a pair of short, Shaoqi got his dad a 'crocodile' belt. Rudy dunno buy wat and Siti say she buy de item guys not convenience to know. Haha.. Of course I know what it is la..Then we went to the market to get some groceries. Wah, Siti got ramli beef patties, dunno reach spore still fresh anot. Me arh get some chocolate and some drink. Shaoqi got some candies and a coconut.. Walk walk also 3 hours plus gone le. Then we decided to proceed back to City Square. This time took a cab 16 RM. Same la.. kanna chop..
Eh go city square and I began my largest shopping spree. Go to a shop and grab lots of lots of things.. Wahaha.. All the malaysia product la... Didn't take photo la.. Hehe.. Lazy le and Shaoqi go grab some food also for his mum. Nutmeg ba he got while Siti and Rudy stopped shopping le.. Just walk around. Eh walk till 5 plus then Siti and her Boy say got meeting at nite with their frenz. So we go back. In the end Shaoqi and me ate mos burger at causeway pt and we went walked around. Then 9 pm plus jiu go home...
The End!
Carefree weekend!!
It's been a great weekend spent. Went to a couple place and done some exercises. Swimming and Jogging during weekend. Well, not advisable to swim during weekend. Pool full of kids learning how to swim and all were swimming everywhere. Kanna kick on the hand and body by these kids. Imagine how pack the pool is. Met up Jin last nite at this tampines de giant and the ikea. Haven't been there so decided to make a trip there. Hmmh, weekend mah u can expect it's quite pack de but hai okie la. Ate the hotdog at ikea plus a drink for dinner. Didnt really had the appetite to eat. Quite hungry but just couldnt eat. Hehe.. Perhap had too great of foods last few days. Jiu zhe yang le.. hehe.... See pic better la. 
Explanation For the Poem
天意原本是这样的,我们不可能逆天而行 一年就这样过去了 (感觉)一切好像在昨夜发生似的,明夜总不会到来 每落下一滴眼泪我对你的思恋有更增一分 天色渐暗 从此我们将分隔万里 心如何不痴呢 ? 人的相聚与分离都是由缘分而定 今次的缘分不续不代表这缘分的终止 我们前世相聚不长,但是可能我们的下一世可能白头到老(指以后不怕没有机会) 夕阳已经落下了 (如果)我们都老了 (却还)无法相遇 (就只好)在梦里相会
Ended Industrial Attachment
Today was my last day at work and I thought that I will be the happiest people after wanting to end the IA quickly but I m as happy. Having mixed feeling, feeling a bit sad too. Sad is becos I actually had some feelings for the place, peoples over there, the work that I m involved in. Actually when I think of that, I don't really had to work there. One thing I don't like is the new Project manager's style of work. For the rest is actually okie de. Have u ever dislike a thing/person/place but in the end when u come to think of it, actually u didnt dislike the thing /person/place, its some minor factor which makes u think u hate the thing/person/place? By the way, let me blog a bit on today ba. Reach office as usual at 8.25 am and I had my last breakfast there as I didnt eat dinner yesterday nite due to the farewell buffet. After having breakfast, I started to pack my table, cleared my stuff and doing some last min paper work. After that, Vincent say he will bring us go around instead of staying in the office and rot. And what really surprise me was Sharon asked him to bring us out for lunch and she will treat, using her own pocket money. Really touched and appreciate for these kind treatment. And after the lunch, vincent let us go home early and of course this action is approve by sharon. We were very touched. Afterall, sharon had treated us well all these while and not forgetting the engineers, Guan Yong, Ben, Andy and Jia ee. I m sure some of you might be reading my blog. Thank you very much is what I wanna say. Will be taking some rest from now and next week and preparing to go back sch for intersem the week after. Meanwhile still planning on how I shall take my rest. Have some activites lined up already and hopefully able to carry out next week or so. Breaded Chicken from Swensen
A poem which interest me..
苍天有义天难逆 秋过续冬移 昨日近 明夜晚 珠泪一寸一相思 月露莺啼 遥距万里 怎忘心痴 知逢别离凭真意 缘断非缘止 前世短 来生长 今朝已迟夕照稀 春华消逝 相遇无期 留梦亲提 Author: 悲情
Company farewell lunch at Royal Plaza On Scotts
Last 2 days to end my IA and company held a farewell lunch for us. Engineers, Project Managers and 4 of us were there for this lunch gathering. Altogether there were 12 of us. Had a fulfilling lunch and had some great chat with some of the engineers and the project managers. The ambience of the hotel mah was simply fabulous, nice. We had an international buffet. Some of the outstanding food that I had were the crayfishes, sashimi, tomato fish and the cakes. Cakes were the nicest. It's a really nice place to dine in. Overall 8/10. From my rating can say is a great place to go. Before meeting up for lunch, we went to the Pan United Corporation HQ, now at suntec city tower one to do some out processing documents and hand in time card to claim salary. Of course, 2 days ago I sms vanessa and told her that I was going there today. Met up with her today and she was doing really well there and she enjoy this job very much. This was very very good. Good to hear that everything is going so smoothly and well for this old pal of mine. Really happy for her. After clearing the documents, Siti, Shaoqi, Steve and me go to Ya Kun to have our breakfast there. Order set meal to eat and after that we proceeded on to carrefour to buy some stuffs to give to the office people tomorrow. Hehe.. Bought a strip of carrefour chocolate which Shaoqi say it gd and I have just tasted which is quite gd. Also buy a merci chocolate. Of course I also bought a strip of chocolate for myself if not how would I be able to taste it?? Haha.. Then after shopping we then proceeded to eat our lunch.  Been eating lots of food these days and I guess I need to take a break on food and eat some porridge. Porridge lovers if u r free and wanted to eat porridge can just contact me out for porridge k.. Haha... Having porridge can be very nice too after eating too much great food.
Dinner at Funan Sakae Sushi to celebrate end of IA
Just come back from a dinner at Funan IT mall. Yes, this week is the last week of my IA and only 3 more days to go. Woo hoo. After that mah will be jobless. Hehe. preparing to go back sch for intersem but got 1 week of rest. Today 6 of us went for the dinner, Me, Siti, Shaoqi, Steve, Steve's girlfriend and all time favourite supervisor Chee Keong. Throughly enjoyed the food and chat we had. Go for this sakae sushi buffet and Teppanyaki. Wah seh, eat too much sotong liaoz. Now 1 month also don't feel like eating. Somemore the sotong like rubber band sia. Hehe...And this Thur will be going back to HQ at suntec to settle the clearance form. Haha.. Like ORD time sia. Got to know that Pan United marine being sell off le and HQ also moved to suntec just today. Quite sudden sia. Work in office is stagnant and nothing much. Doing some last min issue and trying to clear all before I went off. 80% done and left 20% to go. Tomorrow should be able to clear the remaining 20%.. Hehe.. Woo Hoo..
Ubin Trip follow by a KTV
Went Ubin yesterday and the weather was really hot. As usual some people fly aeroplane and the people who actually turned up were Guan Yong, Ben, Yuzheng, Wei jie, Shaoqi and me. Justina wanted to join us but in the end a few of us think that we will be neglecting her and she will feel left out by all male group so they suggested to me that it won't be appropiate for her to tag along. So I have to tell her to postpone the trip with us and I need to reorganise another ubin trip and get some female in so as to accomodate her. I apologise to you for breaking the new to you at last min on Fri nite. Really sorry.. Hsien wanted to join too yesterday but she not feeling well. So the upcoming ubin trip that I would have to organise will be target for Justina and my sec sch fren le. This will be the priority. The rest will be secondary . Anyway really tough yesterday. Weather was hot and Mr Guan Yong and Shaoqi were cheonging all the way at the start. My stamina was not as good and a few of us were cheonging, while a few of us were doing catching up. This makes cycling really very tough. I m alway at the rear as I wanted to enjoy the scenary. The front few were I guess racing against each other. These racky men were really very enthu and have really good stamina. I salute to them.. Haha... Anyway we met at 8.45am in the morning and we set off at 8.55am. Then we went to the changi village to have our breakfast before taking the ferry to the ubin. $2 per person to ubin and $2 per person leaving ubin. We reached ubin at 10 plus and we quickly proceed on to rent our bicycle. This time I rent a cheaper bike, $5 for it. Shaoqi, me, Yuzheng and weijie get the $5 bike while Guan Yong and Ben go for a better one at $8. Then we start off our journey. Before we start off, the bos of the bicycle shop told me that there are a new place of interest. They discover a "Guan Yin Stone". Feeling puzzled I decided to keep a lookout for it. I m determined not to miss it. I managed to find it while others do not even notice it as they were cycling too fast. I went to pray and I managed to take picture of it. Might not be clear as I didnt bring my camera along and trees were blocking the view.   The picture shows the "Guan Yin Ma's Stone" Was very nice... As usual, I went to pray at the four faced buddha's temple there and we went to feed the fishes at the holiday chalet area. We completed the whole island exploration at around 3.15pm and we decided to cycle back. We headed back to the rental shop and reached there around 3.30pm, do some wash up and take a ferry back. Then we went to eat our dinner at the changi village. We couldnt make up our mind of where to go and one of us suggest we go ktv or pool. So we headed on to clementi to find our the rates of pool and ktv. As many of us were feeling very tired and our butts were hurting, we decided we shall go for ktv instead. Can nua inside. We went kbox and partyworld to check out the price. Can't use voucher and in the end we choose partyworld as it's cheaper.Hehe... 5 of us except Ben go KTV. We sang from 6.20pm to 10.30pm before making our way home. It was a quite enjoyable ktv session.. Reach home, serve net for a while before went to bed... Another sat gone just like this and it's one of the most memorable sat that I ever had..
Who says only girls can do shopping?
On Fri nite, Me, Ben, Guan Yong and Alfred went to the computer fair at the suntec. By the time we met up, it was around 7.30pm. We parked the vehicles at the national library as we anticipated that there will not be any parking spaces around the vicnity of suntec. We happily headed toward our destination in bid to look out for our items. We went in the exhibition hall and wah it was full of people. Squeezing here and there. I was the first to start the purchasing mission. I bought a san disk 1Gb thumb drive which cost me $18. Next Ben went to purchase a 24" dell monitor for $800 plus accompanied bty Alfred while Guan Yong and me went to look at speakers. Guan Yong wanted to purchase a speakers. We wanted to tested the speakers b4 purchasing but ma the people there were not at all helpful, telling us no remote control so can't test. So we went off as the customer service is poor. Then the 4 of us met up and Alfred bought a blue tooth transfer cable. After that we went to epson cos Ben wanted to buy a printer. After we are done, it's Guan Yong's turn. He couldnt get what he wanted at the fair. So I sugeested we go Marina Shopping Centre creative store to look for speakers. Then mah, he managed to find the item he wanted and my didi's mp3 spoilt le so I called him to ask him if he needed to buy one. He say he needed one so I got him the creative zen stone. It's a very small mp3 which looked like a stone. haha... Cost me $69 only. Stone only so shouldnt cost that much right. Wanted to get a luminous yellow but stock out. In the end mah, got a red one as he didnt like Black.  It looks something like this.. Keke.. After we got what we wanted we went to grab our dinner at around 9.30pm. Guess what we eat? Carls's junior. The burger was really very huge and a set meal cost me $10.50. Was really full after whooping down the burger.The drink was free flow which is quite good. The four of us sat there and chat all the way till 11.30pm. Then we headed to the national library carpark. Guess what, the carpark only operate till 11pm and the security was there waiting for us to drive off the car. Luckily we were in time. If not they will be bringing out their clamp soon. Reached home around 12.12am and Guan Yong sent me home. This is how I ended my Fri nite.  Burger pics. Big isn't it?? Hehe.. Quite nice de. Try it if you have time.